Facts About The Abortion Pill Reversal Procedure.  It’s not uncommon for a woman facing abortion to have doubts. It is not too late to change your mind even after taking the abortion pill.

An interview with Kathryn Miranda-Halverson, RN-MSN
Clinic Operations Manager & RN Sonographer
RealOptions Pregnancy Medical Clinics

Q: Tell me in layman’s terms exactly what the abortion pill does.

A:  The abortion pill is a medication called Mifepristone and it is given to decrease or block progesterone from the woman’s body that she naturally produces…so the Reversal is actually just giving back progesterone to the body…of what the woman should be producing for sustaining a pregnancy. In layman’s terms: maintaining normal progesterone levels.

Q: Is the Reversal given in a heavy dose?

A: It’s basically something that has been used for a very long time in women who are lacking enough progesterone in their body.  It’s kind of a fertility method of maintaining the pregnancy for those who are prone to miscarriage because of not having the progesterone. So, they took the levels from what they use in long-term pregnancy. Basically the dosage is set to increase the level just enough to keep the pregnancy going and it’s only through the first trimester. After that, their placenta will take over to supply the baby with the nutrients needed.

Q: Is there a timetable on when a woman can take the Reversal?

A: That has changed a little bit with the actual abortion pill. They used to have three days, seventy-two hours, between taking of the first abortion pill to the second abortion pill. So we really still have up to three days technically to get that progesterone back into their body. But, the closer to twenty-four hours the better to help counteract what the abortion pill might be doing.

Q: There has to be a big change of mind along the way.  Is that rare or is it something pretty common?

A:  Even before starting the process of reversing we sit down with these patients and really discuss their commitment to stay on the Reversal schedule.  But we also see that whether they are having a medical or surgical abortion procedure, women have stated to us many times that when they were there in the moment, actually taking the first pill or being prepped for a surgical abortion, the reality hits them as a really big, big, heavy thing and they often want to change their mind at that point. But then they figure they are already in that situation—just get it over with. So what we would like women to know is: if you take the first pill and you want to change your mind you have time and you can.

Q: Have you worked with patients where this has been a successful application?

A:  Successful to us is when they have delivered their child and are successful parents of course. But so far we have had two patients who are sustaining their pregnancies and are in their second trimester. They each completed their first trimester of treatments. So successes in that they both have growing, thriving babies—yes. Right now we have one patient with twins and so far they are both growing and thriving equally and that’s success to us.

Q: Then this is a brand new application?

A:  It’s actually been four or five years of trials prior to us beginning to use this treatment. They’ve been doing it down in Los Angeles and on the East Coast. We actually adopted it last October so it is new for our clinics. There are two other clinics up in the north bay, and another doctor’s office that we work with here in the Bay Area offering the Reversal Treatments. There are not many in the San Francisco Bay Area so we are heading up something huge.

Q:  What would you say to the person who says there is not enough medical information to support Abortion Pill Reversal?

A:  Progesterone has been a form of fertility treatment for many, many years, and the fact that they are using progesterone blockers now is nothing new to some women who are born with this type of blockage. All we are doing is giving them progesterone which is also normally produced in a woman’s body.

Q: Anything else you want to add?

A: The challenge we are finding, is that these women need a lot of resources due to the circumstances that led them to an abortion decision in the first place. We are working to help them find those resources.

If you are trying to decide if the Abortion Pill Reversal procedure is the right option for you, you may find it helpful to meet with one of our caring nurses.. Call or schedule an appointment at one of  convenient locations of RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics or go to www.realoptions.net

If you are in a pregnancy crisis due to taking an abortion pill and need nursing advice, text (anytime 24/7) or call (6am-9pm) to 408-622-9236.

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(510) 891-9998

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(408) 978-9310

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