STD Testing & Treatment

At Risk for an STD?

When should I get tested?

If you are sexually active, getting tested for STDs is one of the most important things you can do for your health! Our services ensure you understand the importance of awareness and early detection.

Why choose RealOptions?

RealOptions offers affordable STD testing and treatment, making inexpensive STD testing a convenient option for those with or without insurance who have high deductibles, want confidentiality, and/or whose doctors won’t prescribe them the lab testing they want to have done.

We make it easy for individuals to request common blood and urine STD tests. Getting blood work or urine-based test results back quickly is important for peace of mind, getting answers to medical questions, and potentially starting treatment—we understand this, so we work with Quest Diagnostics to get you your test results within 3-4 business days.

Our trained Optimal Health Coaches and Nurses are here to help Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm PST. We also have a 24/7 After Hours Helpline if your questions can’t wait at 1-800-712-4357. Walk-ins are welcome!

Full-panel STD tests available:

  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis
  • Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
  • HIV
  • HPV and Trichomoniasis (available through a pap smear and/or vaginal swab)


Insured patients:

  • $20 office visit fee
  • Receive a lab requisition form to bring to Quest for urine and blood draw collection.

Uninsured/Self-Pay patients:

  • $20 office visit fee
  • Testing Fees: Chlamydia/Gonorrhea $18, HIV $10, HepB $7, HepC $8, Syph $6, Full Panel $49.  A urine specimen will be collected in-house and you will receive a lab requisition form to bring to Quest for blood draw collection.

No Appointment Needed

All of our clinics offer walk-in visits; there is no appointment necessary, but you can request an appointment here for your convenience and shorter wait times.

Secure & Confidential

RealOptions abides by strict privacy practices and follows the law in accordance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Our patients can expect the utmost in privacy. When visiting one of our clinics, testing remains confidential; your results will be handled securely through your online portal and privately disclosed with one of our nurses via phone and/or certified letter as needed.

How long does an STD appointment take?

  • Up to 45 minutes from arrival time to checkout

You can access a range of low to no-cost STD services at one of our five Bay Area testing locations. We offer walk-in and by-appointment services with or without insurance.

You owe it to yourself to be safe. Don’t ignore the important step of being tested.

We are here to help. The caring staff at RealOptions provides confidential (private) consultations that are sensitive to your needs and concerns.

As a comprehensive reproductive health care clinic, we understand that your physical and sexual health is just one component of your life. We are devoted to providing services with a holistic view and treatment of the whole person by considering social and mental factors along with physical symptoms. Our trained Optimal Health Coaches are available to share tools and information with you to help you build healthy relationships and live your best life.


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