Abortion Pill Reversal

Regret Taking the Abortion Pill?

Have you taken the first dose of the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486)? Do you regret your decision and wish you could reverse the effects of the abortion pill? 

We may be able to help! There is an effective treatment called abortion pill reversal. Contact us; time is of the essence! 

The abortion pill is the common name for a chemical abortion process that combines two medications: mifepristone and misoprostol. It is also referred to as medical abortion, self-managed abortion, or RU-486. After taking the first pill, some women regret their choice and want to reverse it. That’s where abortion pill reversal comes in. 

We know that an unplanned pregnancy can be scary, and many women make decisions to abort when they are fearful and stressed. We know that after some time, many women change their minds about a chemical abortion. IT MAY NOT BE TOO LATE TO SAVE YOUR PREGNANCY. 

Is it too late to reverse the abortion pill?

Time is of the essence. For those seeking to reverse the effects of the abortion pill (also known as a chemical abortion or a medical abortion), the goal is to start the protocol within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill, mifepristone, or RU-486.

Even if 72 hours have passed, call our helpline 877.558.0333. We are here to help. It may not be too late.

How much will this cost?

The cost of the treatment varies depending on the progesterone used. Insurance plans may cover treatment. In cases of financial hardship, we will help you find ways to reduce the cost of the treatment.

What is the treatment to reverse the abortion pill?

An ultrasound will be done as soon as possible to confirm the heart rate, placement, and dating of the pregnancy. The medical provider will prescribe progesterone, given as a pill to be taken orally or vaginally or possibly by intramuscular injection. The treatment will usually continue through the first trimester of pregnancy.

What is the success rate of abortion pill reversal?

One case series found that progesterone had a 64-68% success rate for those being observed.

Without the APR treatment, mifepristone may fail to abort the pregnancy on its own. In other words, your pregnancy may continue even without APR if you decide not to take misoprostol, the second abortion drug likely prescribed or provided to you. APR has been shown to increase the chances of allowing the pregnancy to continue. However, the outcome of your particular reversal attempt cannot be guaranteed.

The abortion clinic said I have to complete the abortion; is that true?

No, it is always your choice to change your mind. Even if you have started the chemical abortion process, reversal may still be a choice for you.

What if I want to reverse the abortion pill, but I’ve waited too long? What do I do then?

Please call our helpline number 877.558.0333. You may still be pregnant. It may not be too late.

What about the other pills the abortion clinic gave me?

Do not take these pills if you wish to continue your pregnancy.

The second medication is called misoprostol or Cytotec. Its purpose is to cause the uterus to contract and expel the fetal tissue. Misoprostol/Cytotec is not needed if you want to try to reverse the chemical abortion.

Why is progesterone used in the reversal?

Progesterone is the natural hormone in a woman’s body that is necessary to nurture and sustain a pregnancy. By giving extra progesterone, we hope to outnumber and outcompete the mifepristone in order to reverse the effects of the abortion pill (also known as mifepristone). Mifepristone blocks progesterone’s actions by binding to progesterone receptors in the uterus and the placenta. 

Are the abortion pill and the morning-after pill the same thing?

No, they are different. The “morning-after pill” is an emergency contraception method. The most commonly used preparation contains a high level of progestin and can be taken up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse. New insights into how it works make it clear that it can prevent the implantation of the embryo into the lining of the uterus. 

The abortion pill, mifepristone, is taken up to 70 days (10 weeks) into a pregnancy with the intention of causing an abortion. It works by blocking progesterone receptors. Progesterone is the necessary hormone that nurtures and supports a pregnancy.

The newest morning-after pill, Ella, is very similar to mifepristone in its action in that it blocks progesterone receptors. It is approved by the FDA for use up to five days after intercourse and also has abortifacient effects.

Call one of our Bay Area RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics for help.