Privacy Policy

Notice of Privacy Practices – RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics

Please review this notice carefully. It describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

Federal and state law requires that all health care providers protect health records in their possession. If you receive services through RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), protects your health information. In addition, HIPAA requires that you are provided with this Notice of Privacy Rights. This notice lets you know how your health information may be used and disclosed, as well as your rights regarding the health information that is in RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics’ possession.

RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics reserves the right to amend this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time in the future, and will make the new provisions effective for all the information that it maintains. Until such amendment is made, RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics is required by law to comply with this notice.  Revised notices will be available upon request, in the RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics offices, and on the RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics website.

Health Information That Will Be Maintained About You:

  • Your name and (if different) the name and relationship of the person receiving treatment
  • Your billing address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your (or the patient’s, if different) condition that brings you to RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics
  • The date(s) of your visit(s) to our clinic
  • Clinical findings, such as results of blood test(s), pregnancy test(s), limited obstetric ultrasound(s) and any other diagnostic testing or visit(s)

Ways in Which Your Protected Health Information May Be Used and Disclosed:

An example is provided for each category, but these examples are not meant to be exhaustive. Your health information is only used or disclosed as state and federal laws require or permit. In some cases, the law requires that you authorize the disclosure. In other cases, the law allows providers to disclose your health information without your authorization.

TreatmentYour health information may be used and disclosed for treatment activities, such as disclosing it to another healthcare provider as it pertains to your treatment.

Healthcare OperationsYour health information may be used and disclosed to manage RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics’ program operations, such as reviewing the quality of services you receive or as required by the state for reporting purposes.

With Other Professionals Involved in Your TreatmentYour health information may be disclosed to organizations that are used to assist RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics with providing services to you, such as the laboratory used to process and test various types of specimens, or it may be shared with other professionals who are treating you.

To Contact YouYour information in your health records may be used to contact you if there is additional information about treatment or other health-related benefits and services that may be of interest to you.

Other Ways Your Protected Health Information May Be Used and Disclosed:

HIPAA specifically permits RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics to use or disclose your health information for other purposes without your consent or authorization. Experiences with such disclosures are rare, and the limited information maintained is generally not applicable.

However, when authorized by law, and to the extent the information is available, HIPAA permits disclosure to:

  • Comply with the requirements of federal, state, or local laws, court orders or other lawful process and for administrative or court proceedings
  • Report a public health authority for the purpose of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability
  • Report to the FDA for the quality, safety or effectiveness of FDA-regulated products or activities
  • Notify a person who may have been exposed to a communicable disease or may otherwise be at risk of contracting or spreading a disease or condition
  • Report abuse, neglect or domestic violence to a government authority
  • Provide necessary information to a health oversight agency for activities such as audits, investigations, inspections, licensure of the healthcare system, government benefit programs and regulated entities
  • A law enforcement official for specified law enforcement purposes
  • Coroners or medical examiners for identification or determining cause of death
  • Funeral directors to carry out their duties with respect to the decedent
  • Organ procurement organizations for facilitating donation and transplantation
  • Researchers conducting studies approved by an Institutional Review Board
  • Prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public
  • Authorized federal officials for specialized government functions such as military and veterans activities; national security and intelligence activities; protective services for the president; medical suitability determinations; correctional institutions; government entities providing public benefits and comply with workers’ compensation laws

In the following cases, RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics will not use or disclose your health information use you give us written permission: marketing purposes; sale of your information; or most sharing of psychotherapy notes.

Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are and how We use them. You should read this policy so You can understand what type of cookies We use, the information We collect using Cookies, and how that information is used.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about You may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from Cookies. For further information on how We use, store and keep your personal data secure, see our Privacy Policy.

We do not store sensitive personal information, such as mailing addresses, account passwords, etc. in the Cookies We use.

Cookies enable you to use shopping carts and to personalize your experience on our sites, tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, help us measure the effectiveness of ads and web searches, and give us insights into user behavior so we can improve our communications and products.

Your Choices Regarding Cookies and How to Remove our Cookies

If You prefer to avoid the use of Cookies on the Website, first You must disable the use of Cookies in your browser and then delete the Cookies saved in your browser associated with this website. You may use this option for preventing the use of Cookies at any time.

If You do not accept Our Cookies, You may experience some inconvenience in your use of the Website and some features may not function properly.

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Uses and Disclosures with Your Authorization

Other uses and disclosures of your personal information require your written authorization. You may revoke your authorization at any time by doing so in writing.

Although your health record is the physical property of the practitioner or facility that compiled it, the information belongs to you.

You have the right to:

  • Request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures;
  • Receive communications of protected health information by alternative means or at alternative locations;
  • Inspect, copy and amend your protected health information held at RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics and receive an accounting of certain disclosures (of your protected health information);
  • Receive a paper copy of this notice even if you have received it electronically.

In some cases, state law may require that we provide additional protections of certain sensitive information such as:

  • Confidential HIV-related information;
  • Alcohol or substance abuse treatment information; and
  • Mental health treatment information.

RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics Responsibilities

RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics is required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information.  We will let you know promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or security of your information.  We must follow the duties described in this notice, and we will not use or share your information other than as described here unless you tell us we can in writing.  If you tell us we can, you may change your mind at any time.  Let us know if writing if you change your mind.


If you want additional information about RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics ‘privacy practices or if you believe that RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics has violated your privacy rights, you may file a complaint by contacting the RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics HIPAA Privacy/Compliance Officer at: 1671 The Alameda Suite 200,

San Jose, CA. 95126. You may mail your request, or bring it to our corporate office. RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics will have 30 days to respond to your request for information that is maintained at RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics. If the information is stored off-site, RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics may take up to 60 days to respond, but you will be informed of the delay.

RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics will not take any action against you or change your treatment in any way if you file a complaint.

RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics will never retaliate against people who file a complaint.

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